About Us

Nicole Widmer

Master Degree in Business (MBA), University of Zurich

Master of Advanced Studies in Secondary and Higher Education (MASSHE), University of Zurich

MBA in International Business of the Universities of Bristol (GB) and Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausées, Paris.

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English

Certificate of Advanced Studies in Bilingual Teaching of the Zurich University for Teacher Education

Teacher of Financial Accounting, Business Studies, and Economics at the KV Zurich Business School since 1990 in vocational training and lecturer in postgraduate professional education.

Bilingual teaching since 2011.

Author of a series of scripts for bilingual teaching in Financial Accounting, Business Studies and Economics.

Co-author of the coursebook series „W&G Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft“ and „Finanzbuchhaltung nach Swiss GAAP FER“.

Son Fabio (* 2000)

Christoph Hohl

Graduate Beloit Memorial High School, Wisconsin, USA

MA in English, History and Modern Chinese, University of Zurich

Diploma in Chinese, Beijing Foreign Language Institute, China

Grammar School Teaching Diploma, Canton of Zurich

Teacher for English, History and German at the KV Zurich Business School

Coordinator and author for English of the central Swiss Final Exams for Commercial Apprentices

Ph. D. in English Linguistics, University of Zurich. Thesis: Sind die Weichen für Englisch gestellt? (Are the switches set for English?) Sauerlander Publishers, Aarau, Frankfurt am Main, Salzburg, 1997

Author of various course books for English and team productions of teaching books

Lecturer for English teacher training at the University of Zurich as well as the Zurich University of Teacher Education

Daughter Michelle (*1998)